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发布时间:2021-02-23 16:09:23 所属栏目:MySql教程 来源:网络整理
导读:我有以下代码,并抛出TypeError:execute()接受2到3个位置参数,但给出了7个.我不确定是否正确,但是这里是: result_time = cur.execute("SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_time =%s",[appointment_time],"AND appointment_date =


result_time = cur.execute("SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_time =%s",[appointment_time],"AND appointment_date =%s",[appointment_date],"AND doctor_id =%s",[actual_doctor_id.get('doctor_id')])

因此,当满足所有要求时,我想要一个特定的约会ID. 最佳答案 cursor.execute接受sql和一个参数元组-您单次给这些参数-因此您“塞满了”它并得到

TypeError: execute() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 7 were given


result_time = cur.execute(
    "SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_time = %s AND appointment_date = %s AND doctor_id = %s",( appointment_time,appointment_date,actual_doctor_id.get('doctor_id')) )          


 cursor.execute( slq,( param1,param2,... ) )
 #                      this is all a tuple - hence the 2nd allowed param to execute.

见f.e. myslq-documentation或使用http://bobby-tables.com/python作为快速参考.

